Saturday, September 10, 2005

Art in the Park... my Fav Annual Event!

This babboon/cougar looks like me in the morning. Since I'm sitting here sucking down my first cup of coffee, I thought I would post his pic. If you want to see more of these cross breeds, go to and check out the amazing Photoshop contests and Galleries. There are some very talented people out there with much too much time on their hands... LOL!

Just a real quick post before I'm off to Art in the Park. A storm blew through here last night and really cooled the temperature down, so shopping in the park today should be a most wonderful experience. It's 9:00 a.m. and the temperature is a cool and comfortable 49 degrees..... bbbbbbbrrrrrrr! What a wonderful change from the mid 90's we've been experiencing here.

On my shopping list... a necklace for my sister-in-law, anything with dinosaurs for my 3 year old nephew Trent, anything cute and girly for my 2 month old niece Angelina, art glass bead jewelry for me, art glass for me, anything cool I can find for all other members of the family... and did I mention art glass for me?

I'll be sure to post pics of all my wonderful finds when I return... unless it's a super secret Christmas gift I need to keep under wraps.

I really should be doing my web design work, but everybody deserves a break now and then, so today is my day. We're going to shop 'til we drop and then get up and shop some more! Later...

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