Monday, September 19, 2005

For More Professional Auction Listings, Add Images Using 3rd Party Hosting

If you want your photos to appear in the description block, you will need to use an outside image host and insert them with HTML code. You cannot link to images stored on your computer. Here is a list of free/pay image hosts for you to check out. You probably have as much as 10Mb of space that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides. That would be the best place to check first. Most ISPs offer image storage as part of your monthly subscription fee. . . why not use it since you're already paying for it? Another advantage to using the storage space from your ISP is reliability. Most ISPs have minimal down time.

Per nktower... "How you upload an image varies depending upon how your image host is set up. For an ISP, you usually make use of a file transfer protocol program, or 'ftp'. Other services such as AOL use service-specific techniques. Services that specialize in image hosting for eBay often have a web page where you fill in the name of the file as it is on your machine (perhaps by way of a BROWSE button) to start the upload. Still others have you email the image, and they email the URL back to you."

Things to remember when uploading (storing) images to your host:
- URLs (the address of your image) are case sensitive. Try to use all lower case letters when creating your file names.
- Do not use spaces or special characters when creating your file names.
- If you need to separate words use only the dash (- ) or underscore ( _ ) characters.
- Be sure to save your images with a .jpg or .gif file extension.

What is a URL?
URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator (pronounced 'you-are-ell', not 'earl'). It describes the address (e.g., and method of reaching a file (e.g., http) on the Internet. Today most people use 'URL' and 'domain name' interchangeably. (Technically, the term is now URI, for Uniform Resource Identifier, but either one works.)
URLs, in their complete form, usually take this form:
For example, the URL for this page is:
If this file were in a folder on my domain, the URL might look like this:

Prepare your images before uploading them to your image host...
It is best to crop/resize your images before uploading them to your host. eBay recommends keeping the file size of your images to about 50Kb. A good pixel size for your pics would be anywhere from 400 to 600 pixels wide as almost one third of your viewers are still using an 800 x 600 screen resolution.

If your image editing software doesn't easily crop/resize your graphics, you can download and use Irfanview. It's very easy to use and works very well for a freebie program. Here is the URL to the free download as well as a great tutorial from NK Tower:

Free Irfanview download
Irvanview tutorial by NkTower

If you are using an outside web hosting site to store your auction images, click on the "Your own Web hosting" tab to the right of the "eBay Picture Services" tab. Enter your image URL in the block provided.

If you do not want to use the block provided, which places your image at the bottom of the page and adds the 200 pixel wide photo preview to the top left of the page, and only want to place your images within the description block, then check the box underneath the Picture URL block, "The description already contains a picture URL for my item". This will add the green camera icon to the left of your auction item in the search listings and will indicate to potential bidders that you have images in your auction. It will also suppress your Gallery image from displaying on your auction page if you choose the Gallery option for an additonal 35¢.

You then add the rest of your images in the Description Area using the following HTML code:
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here>

Each image tag has to be enclosed in the < and > brackets. You have to have 'img' followed by a space and then 'src=' before your image URL. That's all there is to it.

If you want to add photos side by side just place them like this:
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here>
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here>

If you want to add photos side by side with a little space in between them, add some space to your first image like this:
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here hspace=10>
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here>

That will add 10 pixels in between your first and second image on the auction page (unless your images are too large to fit side by side on the page).

If you want to center your image on the page add a CENTER attribute to your PARAGRAPH tag before the picture and a closing PARAGRAPH tag after the picture like this:
<p align=center>
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here>

If you want a line break <br> or a paragraph break <p> in between your photos place them like this:
<img src=http://Your image URL goes here> <br> (for a line break)

or like this:
<p><img src=http://Your image URL goes here> </p> (for a paragraph break).

Of course, if you want someone to design a professional auction template for you and help you with the instructions above, I am always available... just click on my logo below to check out my listings in my eBay Store, Lesley's Auction Template Designs...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Later...

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